Until 2023…..


Not that it is really a huge surprise at this stage, but the decision has been made to cancel World of Beer Festival again this year.  In reality, we plan on it being more of a hiatus than anything.  Over the past two years, there have been so many unknowns with local health guidelines, supply chain issues, and we have held up on planning because we don’t want to get everyone’s hopes up only to have to cancel due to the aforementioned.  

The goal of World of Beer Festival has always been to be the premier beer event in the Milwaukee area and we will continue to strive for that in the future.  Thank you for all of your support in the past and please share our positive outlook on what we can do in 2023.


World of Beer Committee

Until next year….

With regret, we announce that the Beer Barons of Milwaukee has canceled the 2021 World of Beer Festival. On behalf of our committee and our club, we want to thank you for your continued support over the past years and for coming back with us after 2020.

Refunds are currently in process and should be completed in the next day or two. Our payment processor is having an issue with a few refunds, but they are working on the solution. We will make sure they are all completed as quickly as possible.

The reality is, we have hit major issues with the supply chain, distribution channels, and other unforeseen items. We just don’t see a way we can overcome these problems and maintain the high expectations of our guests and the integrity of the festival on the whole. We truly hope that this is only a pause and we can get back to hosting the best small beer festival in 2022.

Thank you so much!

World of Beer Festival Planning Committee

Let’s do this!!!

Good evening friends… PSA time (sorry in advance for the TLDR).

The plan right now is that tickets will go on sale tomorrow. We are using a new ticket vendor that should ensure that we don’t run into the same issues as last year if COVID creates some kind of chaos later in the year (sorry for that once again).

Ideally, we will be doing a type of test ticket that will only charge a small amount right away but will finish the charge once we have the warm and fuzzy that we know 100% that we are a GO. To make sure we are on the same page, your ”test ticket” is your intent to purchase and you WILL be charged when the time comes. We will make you aware before finalizing the charge.

Next, the ticketing levels will work a little differently than in years past. VIB will not have its own actual section this year. We are trying to not force 1/3 of our guests into a space smaller than 1/4 of the overall grounds. VIB will allow access to the festival 1 hour early. There will also be beers/meads that will be VIB only, similar to the past. Please keep in mind that we will only have 100 VIB tickets this year compared to the 200 in past years.

We are not sure if all of our normal vendors are going to want to attend, for health and safety reasons, but we are planning on increasing the stipend for each vendor so we will be bringing you the highest quality possible. We promise you will not be disappointed in the return of the 18th World of Beer Festival. Thank you again for having faith in us and we can’t wait until August 28th to see you all again.

Get your tickets here!

We’ll see you in August!



Thank you to all the fans of the fest who have been asking about tickets for 2021. First and foremost, yes, we are planning on running the festival. However, we are modifying the date to try to accommodate for COVID. Currently, we are scheduled for Saturday August 28th, at The Bavarian Bierhaus. Stay tuned for updates on tickets, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram (no, we are NOT using BPT).

Thank your for your patience and we are really excited to get the festival back up and running after a year off.


It’s that time of year again. If you want to attend the PREMIER beer festival in the greater Milwaukee area, all you have to do is go to
https://wobfest2020.bpt.me/ June 6th is quickly approaching and we can’t wait for you to join us at The Bavarian Bierhaus. We have shuttle buses across the Milwaukee region for your safety and convenience. We have roast pigs and chickens and traditional German soft pretzels made on site. We mix in meads and ciders among a beer list that can’t be touched by other festivals.

Don’t wait, go and grab your tickets now and kick off your summer right. The Facebook link below will provide the most up to date information on the festival. You can also follow us on Twitter and Instagram @worldofbeerfest Make sure to tell your friends because no one wants to drive alone. Hope to see you in a few months.



While all the details are yet to come, make sure to save June 6th, 2020 in your calendar at The Bavarian Bierhaus. Tickets planned to go on sale mid-February.